Baked Lightmap does not show up in preview

Hi, Like in the title, when I bake the lightmap of the floor, it does not change from the material I get from the blender kit to the baked lightmap one.
What is wrong here?
Thank all

Hi, lightmaps are currently baked with the color channel OFF which is why the texture looks black and white and only contains lighting information. This is unfortunately a limitation in how Blender bakes light if I remember correctly.

It’s hard to tell from the screenshot but have you checked how the model looks in the web in Needle Engine? And can you show a screenshot how your scene looks in Cycles?

hi, I tried your example project, and the problem remains the same. I am using Blender 4.2.
By increasing the Sun Strength to 400, I can finally see something on the baked lightmap.
The problem here is that the light map is way darker than the viewport.


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Hi, thanks for the update. I’ve created an issue and will try to take a look at it soon. I will let you know once I got more info

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Thank you.