Could someone point me in the right direction regarding attaching camera or object movement to mouse movement. Would be greatly appreciated.
by user 878313072312332348
Could someone point me in the right direction regarding attaching camera or object movement to mouse movement. Would be greatly appreciated.
by user 878313072312332348
Look for the OrbitControls script on the camera in the Needle Samples if that’s what you need
by user 103054507105067008
thanks for this - and how would i make an object follow the mouse movement.
by user 878313072312332348
Along a plane on the floor? There is a draggable example in the Collaborative Scene example scene in Needle Engine > Samples
by user 103054507105067008
by user 103054507105067008
thanks great examples, but what i am after is camera control based on mouse movement (without clicking) - same with objects, any suggestions.
by user 878313072312332348
You could use the code from whatever is inside draggable and put it on a mouse move listener
by user 300386587278049291
or just remove the click requirement within orbit controls so it’s always listening for mouse position without needing the mouse down event
by user 300386587278049291
(disclaimer: I haven’t looked at the code, just learning things around here myself )
by user 300386587278049291
thanks let me give that a shot
by user 878313072312332348
You can get clicks on objects by implementing IPointerClickHandler
for example and then add a onPointerClick() { }
for example:
import { Behaviour } from "@needle-tools/engine";
import { IPointerClickHandler } from "@needle-tools/engine/engine-components/ui/PointerEvents";
export class ReceiveClick extends Behaviour implements IPointerClickHandler {
onPointerClick() {
There are more of them available:
export interface IPointerDownHandler {
onPointerDown?(args: PointerEventData);
export interface IPointerUpHandler {
onPointerUp?(args: PointerEventData);
export interface IPointerEnterHandler {
onPointerEnter?(args: PointerEventData);
export interface IPointerExitHandler {
onPointerExit?(args: PointerEventData);
export interface IPointerClickHandler {
onPointerClick?(args: PointerEventData);
For it to work you just need an ObjectRaycaster component in the hierarchy above your object