Attached script is not working

Hi! I’m trying to test my script, so I added some console.log calls to update function. After installing npmdef and opening it on browser, I don’t see any log from my script. Is there any option do I have? Thank you!


Original Post on Discord

by user 909845602358161440

Can you try restarting the server?

How can I do this?

by user 909845602358161440

You can hold ALT on ExportInfo to see additional options. Open Server then becomes restart server

Or you can close the commandline window that opened when you clicked play the first time
Or you can click the “X” in the bottom right of Unity where you can see the running processes

Oh, I see. It seems it’s restarting now. Hold on for results.

by user 909845602358161440

Umm, it’s not working too. Maybe this log message would help?

by user 909845602358161440

Did you add the component CameraBlocker to any of your objects in the scene? And are those components/gameObjects active (enabled in Unity)

Yes, sure!

by user 909845602358161440

by user 909845602358161440

As you can see, my script is well-structed, and properly installed.

by user 909845602358161440

Just to be sure: the spectatorcamera gameobject is inside a GltfObject ? And not set to EditorOnly ?

Ah its possible that the SpectatorCamera is disabled at runtime :slightly_smiling_face:

try adding it to another object.

Thanks! I’ll do it.

by user 909845602358161440

Great! It seems working. Thanks a lot! BTW, how can we get “world” position of given gameObject? I’m currently doing like this, but I think it’s not correct one.

this.gameObject.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3())

by user 909845602358161440

there’s a utils function that you can import from needle engine, also named getWorldPosition()

it has a circular buffer of vector3 objects so make sure to not cache them if you just use the return value (you can also pass in your own vector3 like in your example)

theres the same for rotation and scale btw

getWorldRotation getWorldQuaternion getWorldScale