Script is not running

I have been working with unity all day and this evening suddenly the ts script I wrote does not run successfully (rotation of the object xyz axis) and the web page runs with the terminal prompt::TrippyBlob:

Original Post on Discord

by user 1023211627593613382

Hi the EditorSync component does only allow you to live-edit/update some settings in your threejs scene from within Unity. That’s not a problem / unrelated to the scripts you write. It is optional and export etc will work without it regardless

This is my Rotation scripts:

by user 1023211627593613382

It’s so strange. The script was running for half a month and just now it suddenly stopped running.:TrippyBlob:

by user 1023211627593613382

Where are you using it in your scene?

Do you get the console log from start?

I’m afraid I’m doing something wrong, even now the scene can’t use the middle button ( wheel ) and the left button to change the view.

by user 1023211627593613382

Do you have perhaps another script somehwere with the same name or imported the samples? If two scripts are named “Rotate” it will randomly choose one

:cry: :TrippyBlob: Almost finished building my scene

by user 1023211627593613382

Do you see any errors in the browser console or Unity console?

The script looks fine and the vite server logs are also fine

There doesn’t seem to have been any errors reported about Needle Engine, except that I tried to write some scripts but they failed and I deleted the ts scripts that didn’t work.

by user 1023211627593613382


by user 1023211627593613382

There are only a few suspected errors reported for external import of assets, but until that point it had been successful and harmonious.:TrippyBlob:

by user 1023211627593613382

Changed the channel name: Script is not running

That’s weird, it worked when I tried to re-add a new script, sorry to bother you all, I’ll keep watching,

by user 1023211627593613382

Every day brings a new challenge:gentleblob:

by user 1023211627593613382

Good to hear its working again

Let us know if it happens again