I want to put a car loop animation running along the road in the scene. I made it with Path Creator, and want it to keep moving without any trigger. I checked it works in Unity Scene, but when I export it in Needle Engine, it doesn’t work. Since I didn’t use Animator, I want to know how can I apply the movement in Needle Engine web.
Which Unity version are you using? You can either switch to Unity Splines if you are using Unity 2022 and then install the Needle Engine splines support from this repository: GitHub - needle-tools/needle-engine-modules
Alternatively it depends on how the PathCreator tool saves data, then you can script the behaviour yourself in the browser using the path data that you setup in Unity (it’s what we also do in the splines module repository above, maybe it can help you to get started too even if you decide to roll your own solution)
Hi @hyoseo which version of Unity are you using? And which version of the splines package is installed? It’s possible that Unity changed some of the Splines API - I can check that when you send me your versions
Hi @hyoseo as suspected Unity changed the splines interface so the selection of the spline type didnt work anymore - it would by default always select splines to be Bezier types which is not implemented. I’ll add a fix for that
Can you try updating the modules package to 1.0.1-pre? To visualize your splines you can use ?debugsplines to the URL. It does right now only support CatmullRom interpolation tho so you’d might have to add some more spline knots to your scene but then it should work