Applying object movement without animator / using Splines

let me know how it goes.

Did you test this?

I’ve updated the modules package to 1.0.1-pre! However, I don’t know how to use ?debugsplines to the URL ^^;;

I didn’t changed splines to CatmullRom interpolation yet, so maybe that’s the reason why error occurs. I’ll change my splines to CatmullRom and try it again!

by user 1000272623080583319

The url parameter can be appended like this
The error above might be caused by updating the Unity package while the server is running? Try to restart the local server or click “install” again on the ExportInfo

I restarted the whole project and also clicked “install” button again on the ExportInfo. However, now I see a black screen on the website… :frowning_with_open_mouth:

by user 1000272623080583319

What does the browser console say?

Like this!

by user 1000272623080583319

Which Needle Engine version are you using?

Maybe 3.10.5-pre …?

by user 1000272623080583319

Looks like it yes - can you try doing a clean install ? (Hold ALT when clicking Install on the ExportInfo component)

You can see the version in the footer of ExportInfo or in the browser