Any guidance on how to build a VR scene in Unity (Quest 2 compatible) and export it using Needle?

Hi guys, I would like to start building a VR scene in Unity and export it on the web. I would like to support Oculus Quest 2 as VR device and allow movement and interactions in the 3d space.
Is it possible to export a scene like this to the web using Needle? If so, is there any guide or examples that you can share?
Thank you! :beers:

Original Post on Discord

by user 832577308644212766

Hey, as a frame of reference, you can try and download our samples.

Also here is the documentation for Vr and Ar.

Let me know if you have more questions. :cactus:

Thank you, I’ll check that out! One question, I am trying my first step with the sample scene. However in the Export object β†’ Export Info component I get a warning about wrong node.js version

by user 832577308644212766

I am using nvm to manage node.js, my default version is 16

by user 832577308644212766

Is there a way to tell Needle to look for correct node.js path?

by user 832577308644212766

Where is your nodejs located? You can open the Needle Engine settings via Edit/Project Settings and add the path of your nodejs bin directory (if it isnt found automatically which we have seen sometimes on osx/linux)

Interesting that it thinks you have node 8 :thinking: i havent seen this before

Is inside nvm: /Users/username/.nvm/versions/node/v16.20.1/bin/node

by user 832577308644212766

Yeah I don’t know where is getting node 8

by user 832577308644212766

Probably from Macos system

by user 832577308644212766

Try adding it to the search paths in the settings. You might need to restart Unity then.

Does the versions/node folder perhaps contain other node versions as well?

Yeah I have several versions installed, probably it chosed one at random instead of the default one

by user 832577308644212766

Updated the path, now I am restarting

by user 832577308644212766

Uhm weird, I have added the path to version 16 in the settings and restarted, but still getting a warning

by user 832577308644212766

Not sure why, the path is correct. Tried in terminal

by user 832577308644212766

Maybe some confusion caused by other node versions? Do you have an idea where it got the node 8 from before you added the path?

You’re definitely not the first one with nvm and multiple node versions tho

Yes it took that from nvm

by user 832577308644212766

I have several versions installed: 8, 12, 14, 16, 18

by user 832577308644212766