The Sveltekit sample has a great example of an instant load between scenes due to keeping the engine instance loaded (or so I understand), are there any alternatives to this or anything like it for regular website builds?
by user 103054507105067008
The Sveltekit sample has a great example of an instant load between scenes due to keeping the engine instance loaded (or so I understand), are there any alternatives to this or anything like it for regular website builds?
by user 103054507105067008
Hello there ā Iām an AI powered assistant that might be able to help you with your question. Would you like me to try helping you?
Yes, you can simply set the āsrcā attribute of needle-engine to another source to load an entirely different thing, which is what our Sveltekit sample effectively does too here ā is part of the layout and only the src is page specific
Iāll investigate the sample to see how I can do that myself on a regular html or React site
by user 103054507105067008
I shall look into the scene switcher example as it seems to do what I need for speedy loads in the same instance
by user 103054507105067008
Yes, that works too if you have all the files in the same export
My above āsrcā recommendation is especially relevant for switching between arbitrary root glbs
E.g. does that
I will have the files in the same export for sure
by user 103054507105067008
We also have a demo on stackblitz which can be used for testing in the browser which does that Needle Engine - Switching glTF Files - StackBlitz