Where does Needle look for node?

I’m on Mac and just going through the quickstart video, it’s showing that I don’t have node but I definitely do. I’m assuming this is a PATH problem. Where can I look at where it’s checking for the PATH? Can I update the PATH accordingly?

Original Post on Discord

by user 106501920008445952

You can add additional search paths in the settings (select ExportInfo and click the Settings button).

zsh:1: command not found: npm

by user 106501920008445952

Guessing it’s because I changed my shell to bash

by user 106501920008445952

This happens when I click on Run Needle project setup from Export Info

by user 106501920008445952

Which path do you get when you run: which npm

~/.nvm/versions/node/v16.14.0/bin/npm, but it looks like it’s defaulting to using the default mac shell which is zsh which I don’t use (I use bash)

by user 106501920008445952

Should not both work? Can you try adding this path into the Additional paths list?

We had similar cases in the questions channel shortly after release which is why we added that option

Got it, for some reason I’m not seeing that options on Export Info. I don’t see the Settings Button.

by user 106501920008445952

Ah in the Project Settings.

by user 106501920008445952

What do you see instead?

This is one thread i could find Discord

by user 106501920008445952

Added the path above and still getting the same error. Bummer, I’ll see if I can figure out what’s going on.

by user 106501920008445952

Maybe try restarting unity too just in case

I created a symlink to get around the problem

by user 106501920008445952

That works? From which directory/path?

sudo ln -s $(which npm) /usr/local/bin and sudo ln -s $(which node) /usr/local/bin

by user 106501920008445952

Isnt that the same command twice?