I am using the #nix toolset to manage all my tools and dev build dependencies, hence the paths to my bins are slightly different, it’s $HOME/.nix-profile/bin/node
Can I set the interpreter somewhere?
by user 296230879066324993
I am using the #nix toolset to manage all my tools and dev build dependencies, hence the paths to my bins are slightly different, it’s $HOME/.nix-profile/bin/node
Can I set the interpreter somewhere?
by user 296230879066324993
Hi, are you using osx? Which editor integration are you using?
In Unity you can set the node search path in the Needle Engine settings (via Edit/ProjectSettings/Needle Enginr) if you are on OSX
On linux we might need to add the list for extra paths too, I can check that tomorrow
Yeah, I am on macOS
by user 296230879066324993
Thx @marwie1 I will have a look
by user 296230879066324993
by user 296230879066324993