There is no Vite (default template) in there it only let’s me create a Custom Template. I attached a screenshot of it a couple posts back
You mean this post I suppose: Unable to start server - #17 by JGameMaker_92
Make sure the directory NeedleProject/MyUnityWebGL
does either not exist OR is empty - then you’ll see the dropdown for creating a new project in that directory. As far as I understand you have this directory in your Unity project and it contains the invalid files you sent in the bugreport.
Yeah it’s been like over a week of messing with it and I still don’t have Needle working in my project yet I thought it was better than that.
I don’t understand why I don’t have that Vite default template thing in my project, I got the entire Unity package from your website. It sounds like that’s required for running the start command for the server?
I’m still not even sure if this will work with my project yet but we will see if I could only get the server started and test it
Have you tried the steps I outlined above? Or watched one of the tutorials?
If you did all of the above then please provide more information of what you did exactly and what happened so I can help you
Yes, Of course I’ve done all that. I don’t have the Vite template or any way to start the server it seems like. I’ve deleted the needle project and tried to make it again from scratch but without that template I can’t even generate the project. You can see in the gif that it’s not there
Have you tried to select a new empty project folder ? Then you can use the template dropdown to create a new web project. E.g. NeedleProject/MyNewProject
or something like that (you can also use the Pick button on the right and select a new empty directory)
I’ve doneee that there’s noo templates in there for me to even use. That’s what I keep trying to tell you. The template should be in there but it’s not
Do you have any compiler error or other error in the Unity console?
Could you try updating Unity from 6000.0.0 to a newer version? You’re currently on basically an alpha version of Unity 6000 (currently we’re on 6000.0.36)
Is there anybody else who might know how to help? What I need is to get that Vite default template in my project somehow
That worked to let me generate the project and install the npm packages but when I but I tried to start the server it’s still not letting me and it’s stating this error again:
“Server is not responding - it could mean that another application is already running on port 1107 at → see the console for errors or try running “npm start””
I’m about ready to uninstall Needle Engine from my project and give up on it entirely.
Just change the port in the vite.config in the newly created web project to e.g. 3000 if your local machine is already blocking 1107.