Unable to Build Production for Glitch

And the console said thisā€¦

by user 908977119781060648

by user 908977119781060648

You can try to modify the package.json (i know whats causing this) but ill push a fix tomorrow

Its the pack-gltf script that the build:production script calls.

It would build if you remove it i think

Oooooooooo, okey dokey, Iā€™ll give that a try first thing tomorrow. Cheers for the suggestion :+1:

by user 908977119781060648

Hello @frannie :beer: I couldnt reproduce your case here but Im downgrading the error to a warning since it shouldnt block the whole build. Will make a new release in a little bit

Just pushed :slightly_smiling_face: let me know when you get to trying it

Huge thanks @marcel :cactus:! Just now running the update and testing. Back in touch with feedback in a minā€¦

by user 908977119781060648

Brilliant! A full test of collab sandbox successfully built and deployed to Glitch with 2.58.4-pre.

Once againā€¦ a million thanks for all your time and expertise!!! :+1:

by user 908977119781060648

For referenceā€¦ this is what the console is showing after the build & deployā€¦

by user 908977119781060648

The scene all seems to display and function exactly as it should in regular and VR browsers, though :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

by user 908977119781060648

by user 908977119781060648

Happy to hear and thanks for the screenshot.