
Hello, I am working on the deployment of my project and want to test before I register it with a domain so I have opted to use glitch for the mean time. I have uploaded the project to some time ago, however, it only displays a screen saying it is deploying. I am wondering if there is any advice or requirements for deployment to glitch and how I should handle this. I see on my unity console that the project built and deployed successfully so not sure what is causing this to happen.

Original Post on Discord

by user 580207235171614720

Hi please check the console on glitch. It usually means that your project is too big for their free server and failed to unpack the zip

@Ju1ien1100 did you figure it out?

I did. Thank you guys so much for all your help through making this project!

by user 580207235171614720

by user 580207235171614720

If you want to check it out. I was working for UBC on this.

by user 580207235171614720