Sveltekit sample build export with Export to FTP component doesn't have any html?

I’m pretty new to Sveltekit but finally tried your sample for it- works great in the local server but once I build out a dist using the deploy to FTP component, there is no html or web page in the build to open? Am I missing something obvious

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Changed the channel name: Sveltekit sample build export with Export to FTP component doesn’t have any html?

by user 103054507105067008

Also, when I build the sample using the regular Needle build production dist, the export has html in it but I can’t navigate past the main page which loads, the fix for this was to change the paths: base in svelte.config.js in the project which was causing the url to change when I clicked other webpages

by user 103054507105067008

Seems the Deploy to FTP component tries to upload Needle\Sveltekit\dist instead of Needle\Sveltekit\build

by user 103054507105067008

It might be that we (or I) did manual FTP uploads from the Sveltekit sample so far, good catch

The DeployToFTP will be fixed in the next version - it didnt respect the needle.config.json setting

Regarding the base path: that’s mentioned in the project’s README - perhaps this readme should be opened when generating the project or be somehow mentioned/displayed in Unity (maybe via a button)