When starting a totally blank project, I guess the Main Camera is missing some special bindings for Needle - since the browser preview shows “No Camera Found” while the instructions don’t mention that
by user 540540751424258048
When starting a totally blank project, I guess the Main Camera is missing some special bindings for Needle - since the browser preview shows “No Camera Found” while the instructions don’t mention that
by user 540540751424258048
You need to add a camera to your GltfObject hierarchy. Adding the “MainCamera” tag is optional but recommened since it’s otherwise undefined which camera will be used if you have multiple cameras in a gltf
A gltf is marked in the scene hierarchy with the green icon
by user 540540751424258048
ok thanks - i’ll check out the example projects from now on. Maybe the github instructions need to mention this tho since as a newb that skipped over everything and followed the step by step that info would be nice to have
by user 540540751424258048
Yes you’re right ! Thanks for bringing it up
I too find myself just copying the sample scenes (for better or worse) as they just work out the box without any instructions to setup from scratch as there are a lot of components. This has the other issue of me needing to delete all the stuff from the sample scenes we don’t need like networking etc
by user 103054507105067008
produces this
haha options options options
Would be curious @ROBYER1 if there would be a different place / workflow that you would like to use, or how we can explain the existing ones better!
I’ll make a note to document this next time I set a fresh project up
by user 103054507105067008