Hello, I was searching for this topic here, but no results.
Is there any example how to add Select Transform Gizmo to the objects for web browser? I have foungd this example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3tnjOIJJ-s including script packages, but after implementing in my scene, it doesnt workk after needle export. Any workaround tips?
I want to extend your Sandbox scene. I want to drag/copy for example chair. And want to place it in my house. But I need to rotate the chair of 180 degrees. In browser. So I wanted to add C# script. Which can show transform giymo of selected object and zou can manipulate with this object
TypeScript is imposible for me but JS… can work you are writing: Runtime code for Needle Engine is written in TypeScript (recommended) or JavaScript.
We’re having a builtin component for that. Seemed like it was a bit broken. Im just repairing it here so you could perhaps just use that (will release in ~ 15 minutes)