Scrolling up for mobile

Hi, I’m using the Scroll Timeline 2 script from the Scrollytelling sample and the scrolling works perfectly for desktop, however when on a mobile no matter if I scroll up or down the page just keeps scrolling down. it just does not seem to recognize a swipe up…any help you can give to someone with a very limited scripting knowledge would be massively appreciated

Original Post on Discord

by user 646397168659202049

Hi, looks like line 39 in the script is not correct. Try removing the line there

thanks Marcel, however this now removes all scrolling on mobile. Just to reiterate the initial problem…scrolling up and down works as exepcted until touch is released…the next time you touch it will scroll down despsite actually swiping up.

by user 646397168659202049

Sorry for necroing this but I’m currently having the same issue and even though I tried some stuff like resetting last post on touchend I’m still unable to make ScrollTimeline_2 to behave properly on mobile. @marwie1 :cactus:

by user 193757519888384000

Which samples version are you using? I think this has been fixed in the sample since then

Needle Engine Samples 0.13.0 - November 06…

by user 193757519888384000

Let me investigate, but I installed the samples package from the website

by user 193757519888384000

I think yeah I have the same as this needle-engine-samples/package/Runtime/Scrollytelling/Needle.Samples.Scrollytelling~/ScrollTimeline_2.ts at main · needle-tools/needle-engine-samples · GitHub but is not working for me on mobile, I have the same issue as duncan

by user 193757519888384000

ah sorry the fix is not published yet - we will update the package this week (maybe today) - it will have it. Until then you can use the version on the dev branch: needle-engine-samples/package/Runtime/Scrollytelling/Needle.Samples.Scrollytelling~/ScrollTimeline_2.ts at dev · needle-tools/needle-engine-samples · GitHub

Thanks a lot marcel!! You’re the man! This tool is incredible, I will check it out soon

by user 193757519888384000