Rigidbody and cannon-es

Is there a way to access the cannon body? I’m trying to see if the body is “sleepy” or “sleeping” but many of the properties from the cannon docs are not exposed in Needle.Rigidbody.

Original Post on Discord

by user 300386587278049291

The underlying physics engine is rapier (is cannon js still mentioned on the docs?)

Rigidbody.body gives you the rapier rigidbody

well that explains a lot!

by user 300386587278049291


by user 300386587278049291

Ah sorry and thanks!
Mesh collider are also supported by now as well as capsule colliders :slightly_smiling_face:

just glad I didn’t attempt to implement the cannon ragdoll example I was planning on next :smile:

by user 300386587278049291

Haha very sorry about the docs. Will update it soon :see_no_evil:

no worries!

by user 300386587278049291