Problem with font after update

by user 680853402338721851

There seem to be more log messages than those.
What’s about the error with the project asset path - Is the path correct / does it exist on disc?

yes, the path is correct

by user 680853402338721851

Same problem here! I have another a project where the text shows correctly after export but in the new one the only difference that i found its that the Text font says “Arial” and not “LegacyRuntime”. When i select the font “LegacyRuntime” it doesn’t change and says “Arial”. (It’s a Button with a Text Legacy).

by user 577635494842597376

Which Unity version and OS are you on?

@sabrina _ places can you check that you dont have supress export enabled in your glTF object ? in your logs I see a message saying that it doesnt export it because of that

oh yes it´s unchecked

by user 680853402338721851

in the bugreport you sent it is checked :thinking:


by user 680853402338721851

i have more than one scene and a lot of bugs rightknow :smile: I cancelt the lagacy text and used a png.

by user 680853402338721851

*right now

by user 680853402338721851

when I check the suppress Export, I get the warning that the Tool.Transform-Compress Directory or fil not found

by user 680853402338721851

when you uncheck export for your root object the web projects export-asset directory doesnt exist anymore (since we delete it and recreate it on export) - but when nothing is exported it wont get re-created.

ok, checkt my other scenes, get nearly in every scene the warning og the missing gltf. But the box it always checked

by user 680853402338721851