Possible to cache the glb/mp4 files that a build spits out?

Plus this makes it independent from internet requirements

I actually had the issue with PWA on mobile at least that cache would expire, I need to still investigate that unfortunately as I couldn’t figure out why it expired

by user 103054507105067008

Good point about the debugger being open clearing cache, I mentioned that to them and it was true

by user 103054507105067008

Yeah this one here can be deceptive, basically with it on you always get the “clean cache first user experience” which is great for dev unless you want to, well, test how it works when returning

Expiry can be set in the service worker, and I think on top of that there are some platform limits (e.g. iOS has a different limit than Android and so on)

Android for sure just cleared the cache after a few days despite me setting the cache to not expire explicitly. I need to reinvestigate as that is a shame

by user 103054507105067008