Large glb files (50mb) cause flicker on load page

In testing my current project I have a large glb file (Windows reports 52.6mb). The attached video shows what I am seeing. Flashing between time of Infinity, White, and 0%. Any thoughts?

Original Post on Discord

by user 943936853348855838

What the… haven’t seen something like that yet

Any logs in the browser?

Apparently I am here to break stuff. Let me go check on the browser stuff.

by user 943936853348855838


Not seeing anything in Chrome Inspector.

by user 943936853348855838

mmmh ok would you mind sending this again?

I just wanted to publish a new release - might as well see if I can cramp in another fix :sweat_smile:

This is a capture from Inspector.

by user 943936853348855838

Once it loads everything appears fine.

by user 943936853348855838

Is this only happening when you press play from Unity? Or is it also happening after everything is loaded and you just refresh the web page

This is coming from a hosted site on FTP. On reload applies as well.

by user 943936853348855838

Remoting into dev machine so can’t use the live system. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

by user 943936853348855838

Thank you stupid dev world…So moved the project to a local machine instead of remote machine. Open, publish, no flashing. shrugs

by user 943936853348855838

And now it is working on the original machine after a reboot. No idea what was causing it, but will let you know if it comes back.

by user 943936853348855838

Thanks for updating the thread here! Really strange. Are you looking at the dev machine via some screensharing (Remote Desktop or so)? Could it be a visual glitch in that?

It was completely weird because it affected all publishes on the dev machine, and was seen when hosted on FTP for testing. Then I did a reboot and it was working fine, so must have been something not acting right that was fixed with a reboot.

by user 943936853348855838

And it is back. It looks like the issue may be related to Build and FTP serving of the files.

by user 943936853348855838