Overlay objects

okay I got it 90% where I need it. Only issue is the Shadow Catcher is rendering on top. Any ideas on why that might be happening?

I got lucky in random testing and got it working with a combination of RenderObjects and a script to set the needed values. My first TS code and I managed to make it work.

import { Behaviour, serializeable, Renderer } from "@needle-tools/engine"; export class ImagePlane extends Behaviour { // this will be a "Transform" field in Unity @serializeable() renderOrder: number = 1; @serializeable() depthTest: boolean = false; @serializeable() depthWrite: boolean = true; start(){ const imgRender = this.gameObject.getComponent(Renderer); imgRender.renderOrder = [this.renderOrder]; imgRender.sharedMaterial.depthTest = this.depthTest; imgRender.sharedMaterial.depthWrite = this.depthWrite; } }

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