Occluder material for AR in quicklook and Arcore?

How should I handle occluder material for AR experience? I tried unity built it but seems to not be working

I’m sorry, I couldn’t find a response. :cowboy_hat_face:

Hey, for Android AR you can use the ShadowCatcher component set to “Occluder” mode.

On iOS, Apple has only recently exposed this as an option for QuickLook. There are ways to make it work on iOS 18+ and VisionOS 2+ (with a material of type ND_realitykit_shadowreceiver_surfaceshader), which is on our roadmap to add to the ShadowCatcher component.

Would you mind writing a bit more about your usecase? Then we can ensure we test this case as well when implementing it.


what im refering to is this kind of occluding mask as aero does:

Im also checking Xcode Reality composer pro “occlusion surface material”, but its also not working on Ios

I always thought Aero had same functionality as Quicklook. Do we have any Idea how they achieve it ??

Good news: I just implemented occlusion material export, so it will roll out with one of the next versions.

Please note it’s only supported on iOS 18+ (before that, Apple did not add the needed functionality to do it to QuickLook)

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Geeat news!
Would that be comparible qith the unity occluder component ?

Updating Ios then !

What should be the workflow to use this occluder material? Just tested new release but haven’t found a way to make it work, at least with unity occluder for VR

Is it also going to work for Android WEBXR ?

Hello @Manuel_Palenque

You should be able to add the ShadowCatcher component to an object in your scene and then select the Occluder option in the dropdown.

This should work on all platforms with the latest version (requires iOS 18 for Quicklook support)

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