Not applied modifiers?

Can we use Blender modifiers that are not applied in live NE apps?

Original Post on Discord

by user 276719669878980608

Not yet - way to go there would be

  • find or create matching code in three.js for a modifier - ideally a library that has good overlap
  • export settings instead of baking it on export.
    Which modifiers do you have in mind?

Warp modifier.

by user 276719669878980608

I use it to make another mesh bigger as it moves along a curve.

by user 276719669878980608

This looks like it could be a good base for some experiments if you want to try:


by user 276719669878980608

I may just size another primitive on the curve and size it up and down for the same illusion.

by user 276719669878980608