Multiple Everywhere Actions on one Click (iOs / Quicklook)

Hey Guys,

i have some Information Popups on my 3D Model i want to show in 3D AR on iOS and Android. The way i set up the scene works absolutly fine on Android, but not on iOS / Quicklook.

this is the Setup of one of my touchinteractables:

in principle all i do is deactivate all other infopoints visuals aswell as their infos and activate the clicked infopoint visual and its info.
Is iOS overstrained with that much action or am i missing something else?

Thank you :smiley:

Hello! It sounds like you’re experiencing issues with your 3D AR model and touch interactions on iOS using Quicklook.

Since you’ve reported that your touch interactions work well on Android, but not on iOS, there are a few factors to consider:

  1. Performance Considerations: iOS might handle multiple actions differently compared to Android. If there are many simultaneous actions being triggered on a single click, it may overload the device’s performance.

  2. Event Handling: Ensure that the events are properly handled on iOS. You might want to check how the events are defined in your touchinteractables. If your setup requires rapid state changes (deactivating and activating visuals), ensure that these transitions are optimized.

  3. Testing on Different Devices: It might be helpful to test your application on different iOS devices to determine if the issue is device-specific.

  4. Debugging Logs: Include logging in your events to see which actions are being triggered in iOS. This may help identify if certain actions fail silently.

  5. Error Handling: Review how you handle errors or exceptions in your click events and on your components.

Could you provide additional information such as:

  • The specific version of Needle Engine you are using?
  • Logs or error messages from your iOS device that might indicate what is going wrong?
  • Further details on how the click events are setup in your code would also be helpful.

In the meantime, you can check the documentation for the components relevant to touch interactions: Needle Engine API (see the documentation).

This information might give you insights into potential adjustments needed for compatibility on iOS.

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Hey! It’s fine to have multiple actions on the same object. But what you might be running into is that in some cases, we have to duplicate objects, and then some actions might not work as expected (we’re constantly improving this).

From a glance at your screenshot, what I would try is moving the actions that do “toggle on click” to individual objects. “Toggle” on iOS basically means that we have to create a copy of the object that has the reverse action.

If that doesn’t help, let me know – and nonetheless it would be good if you submit a bug report, so we can take a look at what fails here.