Multi Scenes Mouse Scroll

Hi, I was trying to create scripts to change the scenes by using Mouse Scroll and I had no succeed at all. The unity scripts keep resetting and, the .ts scripts that I made on SceneSwitcher.ts doesn’t working at all. Can someone help me please? I was hoping to create the scene just like homepage. Thanks

Original Post on Discord

by user 319347977527492609

Hi, can you share more info on what „scripts keep resetting“ and „doesn’t work at all“ means? Otherwise hard to help :slightly_smiling_face:

The behavior on our website is a combination of the Scrollytelling and Multi-scene samples, did you get these to work?

Hi, thank you for your guidelines from the Email. It seems to work well for me. Thanks :blobaww:

by user 319347977527492609

Just need to recreate the ts from the source

by user 319347977527492609

Hi @ditya1473 as said in the email I would not recommend (while it’s possible) copying the SceneSwitcher to your code and modifying it - if that’s necessary please let us know what features are missing and what changes you feel you need to make for your usecase and we see if we can integrate it into our script.

Your usecase should be totally doable without any modifications (the SceneSwitcher is almost the same code as we have on the website and improved through re-writing basically the same type of component multiple times for different projects - that’s how it became a core component).

Can you share some more details about the scripts you have written and how you have setup your scene?

For example what the needle website does is it has a script that tracks scrolling on the website. Based on the scroll position it sets the PlayableDirector time (the Timeline which controls the camera animation). When the scroll on the website reaches a certain position (e.g. lets just say y = 1000) it then tells the SceneSwitcher to load scene 2 (or “the lightmap scene”).

Yeah, im just calling the script as u guide me :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 319347977527492609

Ah great :slightly_smiling_face: ok

Sorry, I have another question. How can change the Skybox color?

by user 319347977527492609

Or texture

by user 319347977527492609

If you want to change the color set it to SolidColor in Unity and modify the color. Make sure alpha is 1 (otherwise it will be blended with your HTML color, you can set alpha to 0 and use CSS to change the background color too if you prefer that, this is what we have done for to add different gradients per displayed scene)

The skybox itself can be changed in the Unity skybox settings. You can assign a different material with a different skybox. You can also assign a custom reflection cubemap if you want to use a different texture for lighting than for the skybox displayed in the background.

There are more options than this (like we have a RemoteSkybox component or you can set the skybox and reflection textures on the needle-engine web component) but this is what I would suggest normally :slightly_smiling_face:

Perfect!. Thanks

by user 319347977527492609