Metachromium Support

Hey @jin, would like to follow up here on your experiments. How far did you get / where was it stuck?

Original Post on Discord

Launch Metachromium+ webxr demos, see head tracking in both steamvr and webxr, but no rendering overlay in VR headset. I pinged some devs who have used MC in the past and know about it’s inner workings, it’s open source so we might be able to hotfix it

by user 213767993153290250

OK, gave it a quick try, but there’s tons of errors in the Metachromium console for any of the simple apps… too bad


Love the commit history


by user 213767993153290250

at this point I’m hoping to duct tape and captrue a few demos to demonstrate and hopefully appease other teams like meta / wolvic to enable similar features in their browser perhaps behind a flag or something so we can test AR in VR

by user 213767993153290250

needle tools authoring pipeline is a game changer for these small portable apps

by user 213767993153290250

we haven’t played with it extensively but since in its purest form Needle Engine projects are single-file GLBs you can experiment with it by simply loading multiple “app GLBs” as long as the host app has all the code needed for all child apps