"LODs" of scenes

Iā€™m only (again) dipping my toes into the matter so far and was pretty surprised thereā€™s no way of composition ā€“ and thatā€™s how I stumbled upon your comments on the glXF repo :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 395602247196737546

Speaking of which, if I put a GltfObject component on a prefab and put n instances of it into my scene it will produce n .glbs, at least if the instances have different names. So no reuse this way, which is fine I guess as you would need to rebuild Unityā€™s whole overrides-system.
But if they have the same name, thereā€™s just one file for all of them which gets referenced from the scene glTF: Nice, some reuse. But I suspect it only works because during export theyā€™ll overwrite each other and the last of them (and its modifications) will win and each instance in the scene uses it (and its modifications).

by user 395602247196737546

From a devā€™s perspective this is fine I guess but from a ā€œuserā€™sā€ perspective this is pretty confusing and you should maybe swing a warning into their face :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 395602247196737546

by user 395602247196737546

at least if the instances have different names
Yes, thatā€™s by design right now ā€“ well noticed :slightly_smiling_face:
Weā€™re also doing a number of checks to warn when you have prefab overrides etc.

Anyway, thanks for your input on the whole and the time Iā€™m stealing off your schedules ā€“ even if this is not a very goal-oriented discussion Iā€™m super grateful for such great input.

by user 395602247196737546

I think the console already warns or at least logs that the file already exists / the same path was already exported so 20 prefabs with the same name / glbobjects in your scene dont get exported 20 times

Also: you dont need a gltfobject on a prefab if you load it/reference it from a script

Would have expected no less from you :smile: But itā€™s pretty discreet:

by user 395602247196737546

Ah no sorry, this is when reexporting

by user 395602247196737546

Seems the screen shot displays the right one after all. If I add third instance with the same name, the line gets emitted two times.

by user 395602247196737546

Yes itā€™s the correct line / log. Maybe a bit too discreet, youā€™re right.

Also speaking of ā€œfuture plansā€ there: we do want to have a better window/view for ā€œwhat actually happened during export, what got put where and why and with which settingsā€ at some point.