So I’m digging around and I can’t find anything specific to this (or maybe I’m just searching wrong?) But I’m running into an issue where bloom / lighting values are getting blown out harshly with Needle. (Left is browser/player)
What do you mean by SRP? It refers to the system URP and HDRP are built with (Scriptable Render Pipeline)
Can you show the bloom settings in your volume?
Looks like it does something in the right image but slightly different? So maybe tweaking theshold/intensity/scatter a bit would help?
Ah so it was outside the glb? Ok mh yea the effect doesnt match exactly what unity does. Can you try if you can get to a satisfying result with adjusting intensity/theshold/scatter?
I get that. Unity themselves can’t even align values between render pipelines so I didn’t fully expect parallel support out of the box. I try to be realistic