Is it possible to save game states as a numerical value and recall them at a later time? Perhaps in a text file? (WEB/AR/VR)
In a browser environment you can save state in a couple of different ways:
- URL Query parameters: e.g. if you want users to be able to share gamestate easily with others they can just send the url. Or if you want to support history (e.g. going back and forth between two states using the browser’s history navigation)
- Browser session or local storage: View and edit local storage | Chrome DevTools | Chrome for Developers Ver e editar o armazenamento da sessão | Chrome DevTools | Chrome for Developers
- In the networking backend. If a networking message contains a “guid” field it will be stored on the networking server in the connected room. Networking | Needle Engine Documentation
- Your own backend and send GET/POST requests to save and load data from your server
For PWAs it’s possible to get file system access to load and save data from and to files. The user needs to install the PWA for that to work. Frameworks, Bundlers, HTML | Needle Engine Documentation
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