How to include other pages and files in exported dist folder?

Working on a project where I have other .html files that are referenced via links etc, in the project source I have:


but in the exported dist I only have


Original Post on Discord

by user 103054507105067008

I assume I move the products and other folders into /include/ and reference them from there?

by user 103054507105067008

That would be a way - you could also add your files/directories to the copyFiles list (see the package.json in your web project)


That’s a much preferable, less destructive way to add them as I am working with a client’s web designer who is giving me popups as html files for iframes and I didn’t want to mess with their html too much each time they made changes

by user 103054507105067008

Where you add them doesn’t influence how you’re working with them - not sure I understand the point about being destructive, mind elaborating?

It’s just a niggle of the way the client wanted some assets kept in certain sub folders referenced by html or css by their paths relative to the html file. I didn’t want to move things around in case it broke that or caused me to need to keep rewriting the paths if they sent me new versions of the html as they keep changing stuff

by user 103054507105067008

In this case it was popups as html files in sub folders that I wanted to keep in those sub folders relative to index.html is all

by user 103054507105067008