Hey guys. I’ve created an entire UI in HTML and TailwindCSS working properly on my desktop and mobile (the UI is responsive). But there’s an issue while trying to insert it inside Needle Engine, because it keeps drawing the entire Canvas on top of my UI. How can I manage to draw it on top of the current canvas or below it, because I need my users to interact with it?
Screens captured for comparison between my UI and how does it renders on Needle.
I’ll have to talk with my team related to show you the files for the project, if there’s no problem. I can return to you after some time, is that ok?
Absolutely, but I may be of limited help. And to be clear: I’m just a user, like you! But I have to ask: would it make more sense to implement this UI component directly as HTML/CSS in the resulting page?
Hello @Bruno Dias I’ve been following along but not quite sure what’s happening there or why/how the canvas rendering should / could affect the display of the rest of your CSS UI (I dont want to dismiss some styles leaking yet - or maybe a css style in the style.css affects the TailwindCSS stuff - but would need to check that in chrome).
Happy to take a look if you have a link or (if that’s not enough to find the problem) a repo to share