How to customize the loading bar + HTML Queries

Quick question
Would needle support this node structure? I tried to simplify the node structure from complex set up to a single image texture with a transperant shader mixed in, alpha blend enabled

by user 392979063620501504

No. The material export is done by the blender gltf exporter so anything that works there will work in needle engine. Mix shader is not supported. You can check the gltf exporter blender docs for more info which nodes work

This might change in future versions hopefully (when blender supports materialx nodes) but even then mix shader will most likely not be supported

But for this effect you dont need a mix shader node i think!? Why do you not just pass it to a principle bsdf node and use the alpha output as the transparency for the principle shader?

I tried, but to pass it to the alpha channel but it’s applying it to the whole image, so I guess to get around that I will need to make an opacity map in photoshop :thinking: I’ll avoid using the mix shader as much as possible, thanks man

by user 392979063620501504