Hi , i’m trying to reproduce the steps to create a 360 video skybox that is described in Play 360 Video with a Skybox in Unity - Unity Learn but when I try in needle, it says that “Render Texture is not implemented yet”. Do you know some alternative to reproduce a video 360 as skybox ?
Look, this is what it shows when I try to put a Render Texture in a Video Player (srry It wasn’t that Render Texture wasn’t implemented, It was in VideoPlayer) :
I believe you can also use a video texture as the environment directly (would require a few lines of code) or go with the suggestion above (inverted sphere + play video on that).
@kipash would be great if you take a note that we should add a proper cross-platform 360° playback sample (e.g. ability to rotate inside on mobile and desktop, ideally using WebXR media layers in VR/Quest, potentially stereo support, etc.) - has been requested a couple times and is a recurring usecase