How to access Unity Debug.Log messages in the browser console when using Needle.js

Is there a tutorial or documentation on viewing Unity Debug.Log messages in the browser console when using Needle.js?

Hi Parul,

To access Unity’s Debug.Log messages in the browser console while using Needle.js, you will be using the corresponding console.log() function in JavaScript. Here’s how you can achieve this:

  1. Use console.log() Equivalent: In your Needle.js scripts, utilize console.log() to log messages. This acts as the JavaScript equivalent of Unity’s Debug.Log.

    import { Behaviour } from "@needle-tools/engine";
    export class MyComponent extends Behaviour {
        start() {
            console.log("Hello from Needle.js!");
  2. Custom Logging: If you want to replicate Unity’s Debug features like logging warnings or errors, you can similarly call console.warn() or console.error().

  3. Viewing Logs: If you run your project (for example, in a web browser), you can view these logs by opening the browser’s console (often using F12).

  4. Needle’s Event Listeners: You can create class event listeners that log messages whenever a specific event occurs.


import { Behaviour, InputEvents } from "@needle-tools/engine";

export class InputLogger extends Behaviour {
    onEnable() {
        this.context.input.addEventListener(InputEvents.PointerDown, this.logPointerDown);

    logPointerDown(event) {
        console.log("Pointer down event:", event);

Additionally, the Needle Engine provides built-in logging for different scenarios which you can leverage to connect Unity Editor logs with browser logs through WebSocket connections. This is handled internally in the NeedleDebug class, which sends debug logs to the browser console during connections.

For more detailed logs, you can check the relevant sections on logging in the Needle Engine documentation.

Let me know if you need further clarification or assistance!

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Hi, did the Bot’s answer help you? Could you clarify what you’re trying to do? As the bot said: in the browser you write console.log()

I am trying to debug Unity Debug.Log messages in the browser console while running a Needle.js local server. These Debug.Log messages are related to a custom animation script I wrote in Unity, but they do not appear in the browser console during runtime—how can I enable or route these logs correctly?

Unity is not running in the browser when you export to Needle Engine so your C# script is not running.

If you want to add a custom script to run in the browser then you have to write the component in typescript.

Luckily that is easy to do. Please take a look at the docs here: Scripting Introduction for Unity Developers | Needle Engine Documentation

Feel free to ask further questions or open a new post if something is unclear. The bot might also be helpful to get started with translating your existing script

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