How does the 'interactable' component work?

Thanks, thatā€™s good to hear

all the blu links try to play a video player video names the same as the linkā€¦ i.e. WebXR

by user 563549194137239552

but they also open VS codeā€¦ i suspe3ct VS code is interpreting the message as trying to opemn a video and not the scriptā€¦ VS code doesnā€™t open the script

by user 563549194137239552

Ok internally we tell unity to open the file using the default application :thinking: do you happen to have .ts files set to open with VSC or something?

VSCode is opened because we also try to open the nearest vscode workspace :slightly_smiling_face: so youā€™re already in the full dev environment hehe

yesā€¦ probablyā€¦ yesā€¦ VS Code opene the correct workspaceā€¦ let me shut down VS code and confirm

by user 563549194137239552

what does it say for you for a ts file?


by user 563549194137239552

it was set to Visual Studio 2019 even through it was opening VS code

by user 563549194137239552

never mindā€¦ i was looking at .cs filke ā€¦ .ts file is set top open with movies and TV!!

by user 563549194137239552

haha ok that explains that :slightly_smiling_face:

now it works fineā€¦ at least you know if anyone else reports this

by user 563549194137239552

also wanted to mention the latest build fixes a toktx version problem where toktx didnā€™t like the arguments you were supplying

by user 563549194137239552

Which version did you use before? We updated to latest gltf-transform and did a bunch of other things which now allows to use more recent toktx versions too (I think that was changed 3 or 4 minor versions ago)

Hmmā€¦ it wasnā€™t that loing agoā€¦ maybe three weeks? I think I got the initial code from githubā€¦ let me check the git history

by user 563549194137239552

Ah ok thatā€™s long ago for me :stuck_out_tongue: haha yea then youā€™ve been using the old toktx (glTF-transform) version

glad itā€™s been fixed too

$ git log
commit 924d8f4b08eda7cf1f0a95ad9c2673a7d2f62750 (HEAD ā†’ main, origin/main, origin/HEAD)
Author: hybridherbst
Date: Tue Sep 20 16:51:53 2022 +0200

by user 563549194137239552

in which repo is that?

this is in my clone of your repo so i assume itā€™s the date of when i got it

by user 563549194137239552