From the screenshot you posted before, i seem to not see that.
okay 1sec
by user 456226577798135808
let me try
by user 456226577798135808
And then you can opent he sample scene
Yeah, sorry for spaming you, but i didn’t want you to get stuck while trying to import it by hand
It’s nice of you trying to help me
by user 456226577798135808
Also to note, if you want to use the samples windows, it would be best to remove the sample you copied to the project before that.
Let me know if anything would break
copied everything and now my hotspot looks like a little dot with 1px outline
by user 456226577798135808
by user 456226577798135808
The view angel was set weird
by user 456226577798135808
it works
by user 456226577798135808
Thank you so much
by user 456226577798135808