Hand models not found

… after setting up a new project, it tells me that the hand models for right.glb and left.glb could not be found when entering the XR VR session. Even after setting the hand models path to assets/ I still get the error when starting XR VR with hand tracking. I saw that there was an update recently, which attempted to fix the hand models. Is there smth to consider/setup when using hand tracking?

Original Post on Discord

by user 474974683163394049

There’s a sample in the Samples Projects | Needle Engine Documentation repo - can you try that?

Are you trying to use custom hands or do you just want regular hand models?

just regular handmodels. I already set the handModelFactory and everything else up, but the error still persists.

by user 474974683163394049

this works. am I right guessing, that I’ll have to add the gltf default hand models in unity, like in the custom hands example?

by user 474974683163394049

If you leave the path field empty?

Internally it checks if you have a path and doesnt modify it if your paths are empty

if I leave the path empty in the custom hand sample, the error appears too

by user 474974683163394049


by user 474974683163394049

can you clarify what you mean with “I already set the handModelFactory up”?

You don’t need to do anything custom for getting hands, that “just works”

that’s strange, will check

We should be checking for an empty path and then loading the “default” models from CDN, but we did a recent change there, so have to verify that it’s still working

I’ll add the handmodels manually meanwhile ^^

by user 474974683163394049


by user 474974683163394049

I still don’t get why you need a custom hand model factory ^^ ok

I don’t have a custom hand factory. it’s the webxr implementations default hand factory, or am I mistaken? :thinking:

by user 474974683163394049

You wrote

I already set the handModelFactory and everything else up
but you shouldn’t need to do that, we do that internally

Quick workaround for missing default hands:

as Hand Model Path in Unity on the WebXR component

ah ok, I thought that I’ll have to at least set up a minimum to get the hand tracking working. seems I misinterpreted that ^^ thx, I’ll try to work with the CDN link

by user 474974683163394049