Example of navigation + interaction using VR?

Guys do you know how to fix this?

by user 832577308644212766

This is a downloaded package from Unity Assets Store. I have tried to delete all the states in the animator but these ones are not deletable

by user 832577308644212766

Uhm deleted all the animations directly from the assets folder. Now it exports but got an error when loading the web page

by user 832577308644212766

Which package is this? To prevent this you can use a different animatorcontroller too. It seems like there is still an animatorcontroller with those animation states used in your scene somewhere (or in a referenced prefab or scene)

I would need more information about your scene I’m afraid. Which skybox do you have assigned? Or are you exporting a cubemap/EXR as reference in a script of yours?

I was trying this one Furnished Cabin | 3D Urban | Unity Asset Store
Just a test to see if I am able to build my own scene and export using Needle :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 832577308644212766

Do you want to send the scene that is not working as a bugreport? You can use the menu item in “Needle Engine/Report a bug”

Ah ok!

by user 832577308644212766

For exporting scene from Unity, which type of project do you recommend? Core, URP, HDRP?

by user 832577308644212766

We recommend URP for best feature coverage such as post processing and stencil.

Ok thanks. I am finding issues when importing assets in URP projects though. Most of the time the materials are messed up

by user 832577308644212766

What type of assets are those?

Unity’s way of dealing with that is using the convertor.


I mean in general, from the Unity assets store. Yeah there are problems with the shaders

by user 832577308644212766

Thanks, I was just trying this solution. Some materials can be converted, for others it is required a manual approach it seems

by user 832577308644212766

Indeed, it depends what type of content you plan on using.


by user 832577308644212766

In the sample scene there is a “fog” setting affecting the skybox? I have changed the skybox in Unity but when deployed on the browser the look is much more blurred

by user 832577308644212766

Can I change that somehow?

by user 832577308644212766