Error Transform failed with 1 error

I’m getting this message with no other details as I’m trying to build/deploy.
Glitch,, all the same.

Original Post on Discord

by user 732122195614105653

Never seen or heard of this error before - not sure how to help without more information.

Does it also happen when you update the local server (by clicking the Play button for example) ?

No, the local server works just fine.

by user 732122195614105653

Can you try clicking build with dev enabled and with dev disabled ?

yep, tried that. Same error…

by user 732122195614105653

Works neither with Development enabled nor with it disabled?

nope. Same error with and without dev enabled.

by user 732122195614105653

Does it work if you make a new scene and project using e.g. the minimal template and the vite project template?

I’m going to try that.

by user 732122195614105653

So that seems to work fine with the Collaborative Sandbox template. It must be something in my project then.

by user 732122195614105653

You can try to partially exclude objects from export by setting the tag to EditorOnly

Would be great if you could let us know what you find – what I’ve seen in the past is that when there are “weird” components in a scene (things that have serialization data we don’t understand yet for some reason) there can be strange results. E.g. I think one customer had the entire RealSense SDK in their scene and the components of that caused some issues; so would be great to know what’s the reason for you so we can fix it!

@marwie1 :cactus: @herbst​:cactus: Hard to believe but I just found that it’s the modified index.html that is causing the problem.

by user 732122195614105653

Is there anything I should be careful about when modifying the index.html file in the Project Folder?

by user 732122195614105653

What was the modification?

Well, I modified the content to add a UI mostly. Is there any check on the content as part of the Build process?

by user 732122195614105653

No there isnt. Could you share the index?

With the modification the build fails and without it it works?

Yes, it’s odd hey?

by user 732122195614105653