Code gen suddenly not working

Windows might have updated, I’m not sure. It’s just working again after starting up the laptop!

I didn’t upgrade the Needle package - I’m on 3.25.5 atm - is it recommended to update?

by user 285903863339548673

Generally yes - depends on the state of your project. If you’re almost finished then I would usually only update for crucial bugfixes or features that you really need - otherwise newer versions tend to improve or fix issues. The latest alpha comes with a much better WebXR integration(!!) and also latest three.js

We try to avoid breaking changes - due to the WebXR overhaul there are some WebXR API changes but from updating our samples (still in the process - coming probably next weeek with a new version) it was easy to apply those / update those WebXR scripts/examples (in general less code, easier to read, less/no hacks)