Cant put the project on a glitch website

i waited more than 6 min stays the same

by user 388785392188653589

It only takes 20 sec or so - depending on glitch a bit butnot longer than a minute. It’s something else. Can you verify that the env deploy key is the key you have in .env on glitch? (you can hold ALT in Unity and move the mouse over the DeployToGlitch to see the deploy key in clear text)

yeah its the same

by user 388785392188653589

I copied paste the key from the browser to the field “Deploy Key” in the unity

by user 388785392188653589

Are you on windows or osx?


by user 388785392188653589

Windows 11 to be exact

by user 388785392188653589

Ok - maybe try restarting Unity

Im currently using 2021.3.5f1 dont know if thats the issue, but the more you know

by user 388785392188653589

Shouldnt be an issue no

Situation stays the same

by user 388785392188653589

Maybe its my laptop i will try later today on my desktop

by user 388785392188653589

Very unlikely but yeah dont know anymore

by user 388785392188653589

That’s odd - I’ll have a look at it again later - I think it just pings the glitch page - can you check if the page exists?

Open in Browser button you mean?

by user 388785392188653589

Glitch: The friendly community where everyone builds the web seems to not exist

ah sorry

wrong url

by user 388785392188653589
