Blender animation timing control

added a few animated objects to a scene Made with Needle
the teapot lid and cups are all following the right timing… for some reason the teapot’s timing is off

Original Post on Discord

by user 334478477908639745

Hi, what are you using for animating the objects? (Any needle components or just animations on the objects directly? Or nla tracks?)

Could you send us the scene just in case? I wont be able to look into it today anymore but it cant hurt to have the scene ready tomorrow morning :slightly_smiling_face:

You can upload it as a bugreport via the Bugreporter panel (in the Scene category next to the DeployToGlitch panel). Uploaded data will solely used for debugging and automatically deleted after 30 days :slightly_smiling_face:

ill send the blender file

by user 334478477908639745

sure take your time

by user 334478477908639745

by user 334478477908639745

its animation on the objects directly

by user 334478477908639745

Could the reason just be that the length of each animations is not the same? Hence they get out of sync?

hmm let me add a start and end keyframe to them all… good point, could be it

by user 334478477908639745

yup that fixed it

by user 334478477908639745

thanks @marcel :cactus:

by user 334478477908639745

@marcel :cactus: am having this jittery issue when my browser is maximised…
Video was recorded by someone else who confirmed the same on their machine

by user 334478477908639745

It stops if you resize the window or f11

by user 334478477908639745

Any idea what I’ve botched

by user 334478477908639745

Hello @ChaitanyaK does it work if you replace the content of the style.css file in src/styles/style.css with the following?

html {
    height: -webkit-fill-available;

body {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    min-height: 100vh;
    min-height: -webkit-fill-available;
    background: black;

let me try

by user 334478477908639745

still the same

by user 334478477908639745

Are you using a camera with a camera component? I find that it’s really glitchy or unstable when viewing a camera

by user 392979063620501504

The issue described is probably a wrong css setting in the template where the scrollbar rapidly appears/disappears - we have to check that and i have seen it before but couldnt reproduce it earlier. Which browser are you using?

Can you describe or show a video what you mean?