AR anable for IOS?

Hi, I have all well running, also published modeified Collaborative Sandbox scene to my ftp

Is there some tutorial how to activate AR NOT SUPPORTED button to run this scene on IOS? I have installed ARKit in XR Plug-in Managementā€¦ What now? Just to build and upload to ftp doesnt work

Original Post on Discord

by user 869976161550217286

Do we have any tutorials how to anable AR from unity?

by user 869976161550217286

ok it seems its not fully supported. VR & AR (WebXR) | Needle Engine Documentation

by user 869976161550217286

Hi, enabling AR in Unity is done by adding a WebXR component to your scene and enable the ā€œEnable ARā€ button.

For iOS you also add the USDZExporter component since Apple does not yet support WebXR natively but what you can do with Needle Engine is export to USDZ and it will open in Quicklook (we support currently playing back an Animation, one of the next versions will add more interactions, the same as Appleā€™s RealityComposer supports)

So there is not a simple way how to prepare this scene for AR IOS. I have Web XR script Scene/XR/Web XR Scriptā€¦ Enable AR true, Create AR button Trueā€¦ It runs now in XR Viever now, but not interactivity at all

by user 869976161550217286

No for the collaborative sandbox thereā€™s not until Apple has WebXR support.

ok, so this link make it possible, but this is not related to needle right?: Immersive Web Developer Home

by user 869976161550217286

It has the same limitations as everyone - no WebXR on iOS


by user 869976161550217286

So the eauiest way is to use their Reality Composerā€¦ which isā€¦

by user 869976161550217286

But its just AR not WEbXR

by user 869976161550217286

Thatā€™s what I meant here: we have tooling for creating interactions like in RealityComposer but in Needle Engine - itā€™s not yet part of the core engine yet but should be in one of the next releases


What do you want to build?

As we are archviz graphic designers, I am looking for some simple solution for my clients to give them simple familly house configurator (like your Bike example) but placed directly on theril parcel/site in 1:1 scale

by user 869976161550217286

And I wnat to deliver this app just siomply send them an link

by user 869976161550217286

thats what is my topic

by user 869976161550217286

Cool, actually thatā€™s one of the first things we tried when creating the tools (e.g. changing materials on the bike on iOS AR)

Yes, this is why I have started with needle :slightly_smiling_face: but it seems its not possble?

by user 869976161550217286