Animations in animator working on unity but not on browser

Is it because they are in fbx and not in gltf? I don’t think that’s the case but idk what it is.

Original Post on Discord

by user 483253293477265409

Hey @AFR do you see any logs in the browser console?

The last keeps appearing forever

by user 483253293477265409

Can you try exporting with Animation Preview mode disabled (because the animator component is disabled in the screenshot so maybe something is not working right and preview mode is not disabled during export)? And do you see any suspicios logs in Unity?

You can also add the url parameters ?debuganimator and debuganimatorcontroller to the browser url to get more logs

by user 483253293477265409

where can I see the Animation Preview option?

by user 483253293477265409

And in unity all the logs seem fine, just a couple of warnings for the animation transition has no exit time

by user 483253293477265409

Just close the Animation window / Timeline windows before export or disable the “Preview” toggle there. There have been a few issues in the past where Unity overrides data while someone is in Animation Preview Mode - so would be interesting if you’re running into a case of that here

Just tried closing every animation window on unity before exporting and its still not animating

by user 483253293477265409

I have tried exporting the rig and creating a quick animation to see if it worked and it worked first try, I guess that the animations where you change the name of the rig so they match the names of the joints in the animations doesn’t work. I guess this is not even a bug since one would think that we would be using the same rig that is on unity and the one animating but yeah we weren’t using that but then again, that’s not my fault since I’m not animating

by user 483253293477265409

@AFR just to make sure, your Animator is enabled in Unity right? In your screencap it looks like it’s disabled (and thus won’t do anything in either Unity playmode nor Needle Engine)

Hello @AFR would you mind sending the project again? The one you uploaded doesnt contain any scenes unfortunately

I managed to find the error with later posts that I made and it was that I was using a custom shader on the skinned mesh that I was trying to animate

by user 483253293477265409

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Good point, just added to the docs that custom shaders for skinned meshes are currently not supported (Unity does skinning in a compute pass while three does it in the vertex shader, not easy to migrate)