White screen/glb files still loading after external javascript calls for loadingFinished fire

Needle Engine Scripting | Needle Engine Documentation the lifecycle section

Will try and let you know if it works for what we need! Thanks, yeah the docs search for words like that doesn’t work for me

by user 103054507105067008

OnAfterRender runs before the default Needle Loading bar unfortunately

by user 103054507105067008

There must be something that can fire at the end of that loading bar from Needle? Like onLoadingFinished from engine_element_loading.ts

by user 103054507105067008

        const needleEngine = document.querySelector("needle-engine");
        needleEngine.addEventListener("loadstart", this.loadStart.bind(this));
        needleEngine.addEventListener("loadfinished", this.loadFinish.bind(this));

I must be close with this but need to hook up these events to the Needle events for loadFinished etc

by user 103054507105067008

But as mentioned above, ‘loadingFinished’ will fire too early when hooked up to through external javascript, can’t seem to find a way to reliably know when the scene is fully loaded and visible onscreen without that gap between the Needle Loading bar finishing + disappearing > white screen for a sec or two > three.js finally starts rendering onscreen

by user 103054507105067008