Visa Payment

Hello, is there another way to pay? My DKB Visa payment is stuck. There is no push info to the banking app. Cannot complete the payment.

Original Post on Discord

by user 684154017479524352

problem solved

by user 684154017479524352

Thanks for letting us know! We’ll look into other payment options too, doesn’t hurt

Hi , How long will it take for me to receive the license key after I complete the payment?

by user 1128580193401983047

You receive an email with the invoice pretty much immediately. Use your email address and the invoice ID for license validation.

It seems I used the wrong email to purchase the service, can I change to another email?

by user 1128580193401983047

I believe I received your support email, will look into it


by user 1128580193401983047

I adjusted the mail address to the one in your email now :white_check_mark: