VFX from Unity to Three.js

Ok just ask when something is unclear/confusing/doesnt work or you have any suggestions. We’re happy to help or improve where necessary :slightly_smiling_face:

So, after I saved there is nothing like VFXPixelFire.glb was added (or at least I don’t see where it is placed), but when I again use right click then “needle > select as glb file” it appears. It is still good to use it or it must appear itself after I safe project/scene? Or I need exactly that exported by the save .glb to make sure it is right file?

by user 120268259151839232

The gltf file should work as well when you export it with the Needle Engine/Export selected as... context menu

Just the workflow is not great if you want to update it easily from Unity (you’d have to re-export manually and put it where you need it)

Can you show your ExportInfo what it now says?

by user 120268259151839232

Ok now when you save the scene you can check the content of this directory’s asset folder

e.g. in my case I have only one object

exported from

Oh I think I found it.

by user 120268259151839232

the console tells you about it too :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks. Now I’ll i send this to our dev to check if it’s working.

by user 120268259151839232

Sure. Ideally he can setup the project for you so you can just click Play in Unity and see the effect in the browser without having to go back and forth

Yeah, I might ask him that. Thank you again!

by user 120268259151839232

Sure no problem! That’s the workflow as intended so you can make creative decisions in Unity and tweak things there but also see the final result in the browser without having to worry about the technical details :slightly_smiling_face: