Vertical wall positioning in Android

Hello team,

Is vertical wall positioning possible in Android AR. Saw a previous post regarding using hit test from WebXR API. Checking in to see if it is the same.

Hi Vijay NV,

Vertical wall positioning in Android AR is indeed possible using hit testing with the WebXR API. When you perform a hit test, you can determine where surfaces are in the environment, which can include vertical walls.

To implement this, you would typically use the XRHitTestSource from the WebXR API to get a hit result based on user input (like a controller’s position). This can help you position virtual objects on vertical walls accurately.

Here is a basic approach in pseudocode:

  1. Initialize XR Session: Start the WebXR session and request the necessary features.
  2. Set up Hit Testing: Create a hit test source.
  3. Handle Input: Capture the user’s input for activating the hit test.
  4. Raycasting: Use the camera and controller position to perform raycasting into the scene.
  5. Check for Hits: Determine if the ray intersects any walls or vertical surfaces.
  6. Position Object: Place your virtual object at the hit point.

Here’s a simplified example code snippet:

// JavaScript example for hit testing in WebXR
async function setupXR() {
    const session = await navigator.xr.requestSession('immersive-vr');
    const hitTestSource = await session.requestHitTestSource({ space: viewerSpace });


function onXRFrame(time, frame) {
    // Get the XR frame data
    const referenceSpace = session.getReferenceSpace();
    const hitTestResults = frame.getHitTestResults(hitTestSource);
    if (hitTestResults.length > 0) {
        const hit = hitTestResults[0];
        // Position your object based on hit results
        yourObject.position.set(hit.transform.position.x, hit.transform.position.y, hit.transform.position.z);

Make sure to refer to the WebXR documentation for more detailed information about setting up sessions and working with hit testing (see the documentation) (see the documentation).

If you provide more context or specifications, I can offer more tailored advice or code examples.

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