Strip physics - where and how?

I saw in release notes for 3.5.0-exp there is a mention of removing Physics from builds and it points to this webpage in the docs but I can’t see where it mentions marking Physics to be stripped? Deployment & Compression | Needle Engine Documentation

Original Post on Discord

by user 103054507105067008

One way is to add the NeedleEngineModules component to your scene and set it to None

Is it a case of if I am not using any physics related components, it is automatically excluded?

by user 103054507105067008

Not by default. But you can set it to Auto and it will search for colliders and rigidbodies in the current scene and then exclude/include it accordingly. It doesnt search referenced scenes or prefabs right now tho

the component has some infos about each option

I’ll make it a best practice for now to always add that component as you say

by user 103054507105067008

You can also force it off via the vite config: (the optional third parameter can be an object with extra settings)